Thursday 20 January 2011


If you don't know Times New Viking, then who are you? They been representing since 2005. It's OK though, you are still who you are if you don't know them. They pretty much invented the modern D.I.Y punk scene. Bold statement bro. But they pretty much did. By making lo-fi the order of the day in terms of recordings, and pioneering that "hurts so good" sound that hurts your ears but you like it, TNV rocked it all up. Their influence can be heard in awesome bands such as Pens, Mazes, Teeth, Old Blood, Wavves, Vivian Girls ETC. You can't deny the power of that awesome name either, one of the best band names ever. The kind of band name you want to write on a desk to be bad-ass or on your school bag or diary. Their shtick is a shtick you want to get stuck right into. The keyboards are as fuzzy as the guitars and the drums smash each song up like crumbled biscuits. Then you get the slight pop appeal found in the vocals, think great songs being sung by attitude ridden teens while a buzzsaw gets used as an instrument over the top. Each record they put out is another beautiful mess, it induces weeping every time. They are gloriously shabby and they paved the way for everyone else to do the same cool-ass thing. They should have their own font, that's how good they are. CHECK IT.

For Fans Of:

Pens, Old Blood, Wavves

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